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Tuesday, August 3, 2010


I have only ever told two people about my 'eating disorder'. I say 'eating disorder' because I don't really see it like the picture people always to paint it on T.V. in the news, and especially health class, it's not taking over my life, but I'm starting to accept that, that is INDEED what it is called. I've been thinking about it alot lately, probably because of I'm starting up again. I do, in fact, know when to stop so I don't need people thinking I'm going to trying to be 100 pounds or anything. (That is impossible for someone with my build. Afterall, I'm about 5' 10".) Which is the main reason I'm so hush hush about it. I'm finally to the orginal goal weight I had made for myself, back when I didn't even think this would work. But two years later, and here I am. I'm actually about 5 pounds past it. I can't beleive it. But now that I'm here, I think another ten pounds wouldn't hurt. So that's the goal for this month. I'd really like to finish up high school and go in to college with nothing holding me back, and I've alwayd felt that my weight was doing that. I'm all about self improvement these days, and this year, my senior year, I'm in a gym class called "Body shaping and toning." That should REALLY bring it home for me. I want to go to that class at a healthy weight and then just work out the kinks. I'm still in shock that this weight battle I've had since I was in second grade is almost over. Anything is possible from here on out.
Oh, And if anyone cares, The two people that I told were my best friend Sadie and brother Tom.

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