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Thursday, November 25, 2010

ton having a job all that sort of jazz. Especially having a family. I just don't get way it can't just work out.
fish bastard. So wouldn't you think that I'd get what I want. Like having Juston have support, Juston having a place to live, Juston going to school, Jus
I wish things worked out the way I wanted. All I ever want is to be happy, and to achieve that other people being happy works. It's not like I'm some sel

Thursday, November 18, 2010

I don't mean to get ahead of myself, but I see nothing but good things in the future for us.

Monday, November 15, 2010

the rest of my life. I'm not going to let little things ruin us.
through and effect the things that matter most. I truly think Juston Weeda is a good guy for me, he loves me, he's there for me. I'd like to love him for
There are so many things that can go wrong in a relationship. And when a relationship is strong, why let the little things that aren't worth while break

Saturday, November 13, 2010

ere is so much to be said that you both a scared. It starts to become obvious that nothing is going to get resolved.
This is the most gay thing ever. I hate when you are in that situation with people that you need to say so much shit between the two of you. But since th

Friday, November 12, 2010

m I smoking? I'm not addicted to it. There is no point. But the more good decisions I make I notice the poor ones chosen around me. I'm annoyed by it.
ed at my last cig started to say, 'this will be my last.' Then realized I didn't even want it anymore so I through the pack out the window. I mean, why a
for more. Then I started to think how I'm always broke because of smoking, how I have nothing o show for it, how my car stinks because of it, and I look
biggest change so far is my no smoking cigs. Yesterday, Veterans Day, I was doing the count down to the last cig, wondering how I was going to get money
k it's bad but just that I'm over it for now. I have better things I can be doing than waking up in the morning feeling like a idiot with a hangover. The
I don't mean to be judgmental or closed off, but it's happening. Sure, I'm above the influence these days, I don't even drink anymore. Not because I thin

Sunday, November 7, 2010

I now have Blogger on my phone. This will be pretty interesting. There will be updates like nobody's business.

Above the influence.

I'm now above the influence, which really isn't a big deal coming from me. It's not like I ever had a drug problem or let my drinking get out of hand. I just am growing up and seeing what's important in my life, and right now it's school and getting a job. Even my friends are going to have to go on the back burner for a bit. I love them, but I need to start getting my life set up and get a step in the right direction. Smoking weed, drinking, partying with friends everyday are distractions that are starting to stand in the way of the things I can to accompish for myself. Especially when it's my senior year, I want everything to end on a good note and to be ready for next year when I am on my own and in college. I need to start buliding myself grown to stand on my own to feet with, I can do it, as long as I start working now. I'm not saying that I'm never going to drink again , or goof off with friends. I'm just not going to do it until I have everything in check and can maintain my wanted life style while doing the things that I enjoy.