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Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Move on

Boo, to people that can't let things go. Also, Boo, to people that join the people that can't let things go and they get all pissy because they decide it is cool to pick sides. I mean, I would avoid you- if I was 5 but since I'm not I don't give a shit about you. I'm not gonna let someone that didn't matter to me when we were hanging out suddenly have influence over my life now that we weren't. So, if his people want to act weird around me just because things came up that caused me to be around (which I hadn't seen coming) then fine. Not like those people were really anything to me, but just realize, I'm not the only person here. I'm not the one that is going to get pissed or start things between us. You are just messing with your own relationships with your friends, not me. Mostly, because I'm not petty and wouldn't ask for people to get in the middle of something when it has nothing to do with them to begin with. So kindly, B A C K O F F.

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